Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Decorating The Bathroom

I was at the fair for the weekend, and when I came home.....WOW! THE BATHROOM WAS BRIGHT BLUE!!!!! Mum got busy and painted it. I must say, it's much brighter, and happier, and crisper with the new colors.

Our hope was to do it in a Victorian era inspired decor. The woodwork has always been stained the dark brown, but it pops out a lot more with the blue as a back drop. The blue itself is very Victorian, that time being famous for the loud colors and frivolous furnishings. The white curtains with some lace look even whiter up against color, and the longer length gives them some graceful flow.

We also have some prints to decorate with....all Victorian looking. When we get those up, I'll be sure to post some pictures so you can see the finished room! We have some ideas for the floor, as well.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! Our post more once it is completely finished. :D

Summer Gardening!

We've started harvesting from the garden! Almost everything is doing very well......Mum's put a lot of effort into our veggie garden this year. There are also a lot of things that we haven't grown much before (like melons, carrots, and cabbage) that are doing awesome!

Here are some pictures of what we've harvested so far......
White Radish......we'd actually forgotten that we'd planted the white variety! 

Our very first cabbage!!!! Needless to say, we had some magnificent cole slaw last night....

Carrots!!!!!!! These are by far the best we've ever grown. We dug up quite a few today, but there's still another bed full! We planted those a week after this, so we'll wait a bit and then harvest them.

Another radish! Mum took this picture while I was away. It was huge!

Aside from these, there are also green beans ready to be picked, a lot of healthy tomato plants, and some beautiful sunflowers and marigolds. Then there are some melons and yard long beans that are still quite small, and some cucumbers, which we're attempting to grow up a trellis, that are just developing little babies.

Happy gardening! Please tell us about your harvesting successes in the comments! :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So Far This Summer.....

Summer is already off to a great start! We just finished putting up some hay today. Still more to do, but we already put up about 200 bales. We've got it down to a science: Mum driving the truck, Dad stacking in the trailer, AJ and I loading bales. Then, back at the house, it's Mum stacking in the loft, AJ taking them off the hay elevator, me putting them on, and Dad unloading. Mum and I both agree; haying is our favorite seasonal chore. As Mum says, "It's a great satisfaction to see a barn full of hay and know you're set for the year." And, of course, it smells wonderful. So earthy and sweet.

Another family tradition also makes haying one of our favorite chores.....the promise of a Coolata from Dunkin Doughnuts afterwards! :)

Aside from haying, the garden is also starting to do very well. Mum's been working very hard in it. Her cabbages are beginning to form heads, the onions are growing quite large, and the gooseberries are ripe! Plus, Mum and I were very excited to harvest our first batch of spinach!!!! We couldn't get over how prettily green it was. The pictures don't do it justice!!

Happy Fourth!